13 May 2006

Vine seeds, beans, and sunflowers planted

Now that the frost free date has passed, I planted some new seeds directly into the soil.
Big Moon pumpkins, Earlisweet Melons (cantaloupe), and Sweet Diane Watermelons all found their new homes in the raised hills I had developed a few weeks ago. To the garden box, I added another row of Minicor carrots and a striped tomato variety that my wife was given by a coworker who loves to garden. Along the back fence, I planted Full Sun Hybrid sunflowers. I also staked out a bean teepee with bamboo and wrapped it with climbing mesh tied to the poles. Leaving a space for access, our son will enjoy being able to climb inside his bean teepee when the climbing variety of green beans has covered it over.

As for the previously planted stuff, it's really coming right along. We've been eating salad from the lettuce and spinach for about four weeks now. The arugula is a particularly prolific grower. I like the taste but I love the spinach. Next year I'll plant more of that and less arugula. The first planting of carrots has now been thinned as the sprouts begin to develop. Those seeds are just too small to properly space when planting. The hop vines have sprouted, both varieties, although the Brewer's Gold variety by the swingset seems much more robust than the Cascade which has been slower to emerge, although it's in a bed that gets more shade during the day. That bed also holds the second planting of spinach, romaine lettuce, and carrots and they also are wanting for a little more sun. Hmmm...

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