20 February 2007

Seeds arrive II

Not long after finishing the last post, the doorbell rang and UPS delivered the rest of my seed order, this time from Burpee. I used them for herbs and flowers. I haven't finished all my ordering for this year's garden but this completes the vast majority of it. Here's what I got: Lavender, Genovese basil, parsley, sage (organic), cilantro/coriander (organic), dill (bouquet, also organic), two types of sunflowers (sunforest mix and American Giants hybrid), marigold (nema-gone). Burpee also threw in a gift of some mixed flowers that they labeled as a butterfly mix. I also ordered three Wall-o-Water packages. I'll use some and plan to give a few to a gardening friend at my wife's work. Total with shipping: $74.80. I've still got to order asparagus crowns, swiss chard, spinach, arugula, beans and peas (with innoculant). I think I've still got some carrot and lettuce seed from last year. I need to check on melons as well.

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