19 May 2006


I planted the peppers this evening. As you might guess from the previous posting, I had more than I planned on and more than I had room for in the raised bed. My wife had the idea to pull out some large pots that she had stored away and so three pepper plants are now in those out on the deck. The rest went into the garden. I left room for one or two more since my friend Rob has said he wants me to try his Jimmy Nardello (sp?) variety. I'm going to give him a Godfather and one of the Pimento Moron Dulce sweet peppers in return. Since one of the tomato plants is done with the Wall-O-Water, I moved it and two others that I had to cover peppers. That leave a couple exposed still but there's nothing I can do about it. They'll just have to grow slower. I do feel a bit stupid. When pruning the lower leaves of one of the plants, my scissors slipped and I cut off the plant itself. Woops. At Karen's suggestion, I planted it anyway, just to see if it can recover.

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