Ok, ok, I actually broke down and built a grow lamp in the laundry room with materials I purchased from Home Depot. The space we have isn't large enough to accomodate a four foot "shop" lamp so I had to use a two foot fixture, wire up a plug, and put in "grow" bulbs that simulate the proper part of the light spectrum to stimulate growth. I'm no electrician so I was very surprised how quick and easy this actually turned out to be. I hung the whole thing from a chain on some hooks I had bought to organize the garage (and never got around to mounting).
Below the lights, I hung a plastic-coated shelf meant to organize closets and put the cell tray of seedlings on it. While I was shopping, my wife and son planted five more cells with stupice tomato seed in seed starting mix that I had purchased today from Southern States. Liquid fertilzer (Miracle Grow 18-18-21) was added to all seven cells to get them jump-started. The total cost of the shelving, chain, and light was $61.67, bringing the total project cost so far to $239.88.
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