1. Pole beans- two varieties (Cherokee Trail of Tears and Kentucky Wonder), staked on the
2. Cucumbers- Homemade Pickles variety (#155) from Cook's Garden, also staked on the trellis.
3. Asparagus- Last year's planting has basically failed so I ordered more crowns (Jersey Giant) and replanted the same bed, except for the places where two ferns had spouted from last year's "crop". Since I had to order 2 dozen crowns minimum, I decided to start another bed as well, this time in full sun. This was the bed I had planned to plant with melons so that may have to be scrapped this year. What I hope will make the difference this time around is soaking the crowns overnight before planting. We'll see.
Now for the updates:
1. Blueberries- almost every plant has buds or
2. Hops- The Cascades that are growing on the kids play set have gone crazy. I'm wondering if I nee
3. Broccoli-
4. Garlic- Incredibly successful growth in the last few weeks. No scapes have appeared yet but I'll be ready to prune them when they do so as to put more energy into bulb formation.
plastic mulch. I'm not sure what I did wrong here but if they don't perk up, I'm ready to move them and reclaim the bed for something else that will
5. Strawberries- a big disappointment.
6. Pumpkin- Dill's Atla
7. Potatoes- Two varieties, French Fingerling and Peruvian Purple. Both have lunged out of the ground and appear to be doing great. They're the most successful looking bed in the garden.
8. Peppers and tomatoes-
9. Fennel- It appears that fennel will grow nicely in a container but I've never seen it growing before so I don't know really how it's supposed to look.
10. Rhubarb-
11. Perennial herbs- The mint will probably be big enough to harvest some for the first time this weekend. The sage is taking over the bed and is about to flower. Same for the hyssop. Oregano seems to be slowly spreading as is the thyme. The Lavender seeds never sprouted so I'm glad I bought a small plant for the container garden. This soil is too rich for lavender anyway.
12. Peas-
13. Carrots- Touchon and a purple variety that I can't recall its name at the moment have been slow to sprout. From the nearby hole, I think a pest has found them tasty.
14. Flowers- It's not the vegetabl
Lastly, a few other updates:
1. Water barrel-
2. Finally, I noticed this pile of feathers in the yard. Either a raptor got lucky with some prey or a bird got very unlucky with the power lines overhead.