First tomato this year was a Cherokee Purple on July 15. We might have had a few earlier but the deer have been a real nuisance. However, you can see by this picture that the tomatoes are coming along nicely now. This photo is of a Brandywine variety.
The green beans continue to produce, despite being ravaged by Japanese beetles. They really seemed to love the leaves.
The giant sunflowers opened this week and are beautiful at the end of the deck. I'll have to get a photo. At present, they're about eight feet tall with flowers about a foot across.
The first melon was ready today. It's an Earlisweet variety. Sometime since last night when I last checked, the stem started to pull away from the fruit. It tastes good but not as sweet as some I've had from other gardens. I'm hoping the Athena variety will be really tasty. They should begin ripening for picking soon, I hope.